Reference case Elkerliek hospital in collaboration with Microsoft.

If you come to Elkerliek Hospital, chances are you will see patients walking through the corridors with futuristic glasses on their heads. They poke eagerly at the air, but at what actually? They see through the HoloLens 2 a lot of balloons that they have to puncture....
HoloMoves CE classified as a medical device

HoloMoves CE classified as a medical device

We are super proud and happy to inform you that from now on we are CE classified as a medical device, Class 1! Our move and information license for healthcare comply with all medical European new legislation MDR! Note: the idea and concept is recorded and filed by...

DUIC interview: Joep Janssen presents HoloMoves!

Joep Janssen of HoloMoves is the first guest at DUIC in Business. Joep is one of the four founders of HoloMoves and is committed to helping patients who have to spend long periods of time in a hospital and, as a result, develop symptoms due to lack of exercise. Using...